Archive for December, 2009


New news, new cool video games, and cool fire ninja stuff!

Ugh, the news was kinda a downer! Guess what play is coming back for like, 1 4th time! FAIRY FABLES! Gosh! If you’re gunna keep bringing a play back bring back ones that aren’t so common! I missed like ALL team Blue plays (Except one) 12th Fish, JUST came for the end of Planet Y, and the 1st play (Sorry, I can’t recall the name!) Oh and TOMORROW (Or tonight at 9 PST) The NEW Catalog and FIREWORKS are here! YAY! For the new Video Games to add to my favorite pile, War Of the Monsters PS2, basically 2-4 Monsters/Robots beat each other senseless, Ape Escape 3 PS2 (again?!?) where you catch monkeys in a net! and Star Wars the Force Unleashed X Box 360 (FINALLY! NO MORE PS2!) but yeah, its sorta kinda like inFamous but with Darth Vader and his apprentice! Oh yeah, there also is a new Prince of Persia game coming out May 2010! (Hopefully not rated M)(Cause when P O P games are M its for BAAAAD stuff like intense blood and gore and other bad stuff!) So yeah, Fire Ninja stuff! Dance and you suddenly have fire in your hands, and wave and you become invisible! YAY!


Happy New Years!!!

ΩHAPPY NEW YEARS!!! HOPE 2010 WILL BE 10X BETTER THAN 2009!!! YAh! SO, Whats your resolution! I need to think of a few! (update 1/1/10) What the?!! I thought my posty thing for midnight didnt werkk!)(Yeah, I’m havin trouble with spelling! (ummm, not really))Ω<- idn’t this them thingamabob from God of War? (I got the LBP GOW Mini Pack!)


Sorry everyone!

Sorry! I got in a WEE bit of trouble and was grounded from the computer for a few days! (Of course, when all this cool stuff seems to be going on! My luck!) So yeah, It looks like there’s gonna be a cool event in 2010 and the mission and a new puffle? and something to do with that squid in Aqua Grabber, and new rooms and new games and FUN! Here is a picture! (Oh btw Christmas Party is OVER and Rockhopper is GONE :()



Spot the diff aint doing so well…

Yeah, Rofegme is REALLY close, he just needs ONE more! If no one guesses or gets all of them by January 2 2010, Rofegme WINS! So yeah, I’m gonna guess that Rofegme’s gonna win unless YOU don’t guess!



MERRY CHRISTMAS!! So, whatcha get? comment and tell me! Here’s what I got:

1. a TON of action figures (trust me, I’m kinda a dork, but I don’t like keep the boxes in mint condition or anything)

2. Like $70 in Target Gift Cards (going torwards my PSP Go funds)

3. $70 to the Play Station Store (Used all but like 13 bucks on LBP DLC, and the rest will probobally go to MORE DLC coming later! I’ll make a list of all the DLC I got soon)

4. A Gary plushie! YAY!

5. An 8 centimeter tall Sackboy ornament plushie! (Only available in the LBP PSP carrying case, but somehow I got it seperate)

6. a BIG Sackboy Plusie

7. a LITTLE sackboy statue

8. a BIG Sackboy statue

9. Little Big Planet Game of the Year edition (yet even MORE DLC!)(Oh and now I have an EXTRA beta code to Mod Nation Racers)

10.a weird golden skeleton mask

11. like 5 AWESOME T-Shirts!

12. An Ice Cream making kit

13. a few video games

14. a 30 dollar Check (PSP Go funds)

15. A 25 dollar Gift Card to Game Stop (LBP PSP funds)

That’s all I can think of at the moment(BTW the Sackboy statues and BIG plushie are only available for like $100 bucks on eBay or cheaper in the UK so i am LUCKY!) I’ll think of other stuff later, but I also have a B-Day coming soon! YAY! MORE DLC? Oh just so you know I have a MASSIVE family, and my grandparents SPOILED me (and so did my parents)

So, ok, here’s a list of all the DLC I got

1.Killzone mini pack

2.History Kit (GOTY)

3.History Costumes (GOTY)

4. Animal Costumes (GOTY)

5. Metal Gear Solid costumes (GOTY)

6.Metal Gear Solid pack (GOTY)

7. Monster costumes (GOTY)

8. Monster Level Pack (GOTY)

9. Egyptian Mythology mini pack

10. Festive Goodies mini pack

11. ICO and the Shadow of colossus Colossus II and III costumes

12. Watchmen kit

13. Pirates of the Carribean level kit

14. Pirates of the carribean costumes

15. 2000AD costumes

16. Ragdoll Kung Fu costumes

17. WipEout costumes

18. God of War Medusa and Minotaur

19. Resistance Chimera costume

20. Ghostbuster costume (already had the other 3 (Stay Puft, No Ghosts logo, and Slimer))

21. MotoStorm costume

ALL this, and I STILL have a little more money! The only problem is, it is HARD to choose just one costume now!


I MET AUNT ARCTIC! Frostbite at the magic sleigh ride!

YEAH! She was AWESOME! Now I only need to meet Petey K, Stompin’ Bob, and Cadence! She talked to ME personally A LOT! She even INTERVEIWED me! Obviously she was an actual person, not a computer! Just to let y’all know, when a famous penguin is here, they are ALWAYS online! They’re not ALWAYS an actual person, but ALWAYS online! Oh yeah! I forgot! I met her at like 10:30 last nigh, and I was to exhausted to post about it then, so I’m posting bout it NOW! yay! Pictures:

I’ll be updating the Famous Penguins page LATER! P.S. I’m the Santa in the pictures, but I put on mah regular costume for the BG shot!

That’s all for now! Laterz! Haven’t said that in some time, eh!


25,000 too soon!

Yeah, I can’t have a 2,500 hits party! I’m already at 2, 400 something, and we JUST had a party! Maybe 2,750 0r 3,000! Sorry!


Ok the party ROCKED, but I didn’t get any pictures because, for the most part, it was only Rofegme, Voykroy12, and me. Saraapril (Our surprise guest) came, but unfortunately we either all had to go, or we changed rooms. Next time, guys, lets stay in the planned room, just so this doesn’t happen again. Also, Rofegme said I was an hour late! I think the PST is off because my time zone used to be the same as PST and my clock said 2:00! Weirdness! Sorry, everyone! I’ll do better next time (probobally my 2,500 hits party) And Saraapril, it’d be AWESOME if you could maybe try again next time, but if not, it was still AWESOME that you bothered to come! Thanks everyone! Sorry if you were there for a short time and I didn’t mention you! Come next time, and I’ll be sure to get a picture!



Oh yea!


Night club






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