Archive for November, 2010


I’m done.

Alright, so you all know that when I was postin’ like crazy, the ONE thing I wanted the most was the return of old plays. We got like, Ruby and the Ruby, Shadowguy, Bamboo Forest, all these lame overused ones, and like a WEEK after my membership expires, Planet Y or whatever comes out. Unless by some miracle (Or generator) I get a membership, I WILL get back into it, but now I can officially say that Club Penguin is pretty much the game that is most unfair to its non members. Sorry Disney, but with Club Penguin, you became too obsessed with money. You let millions down.

Im out until I get my own laptop. Then I MIGHT download a couple of generators… Maybe… If I feel dishonest… But those are better than using PrizeRebel…as long as there Virus Checked and have good reviews.

Life would be so much better if everything was either

a)Extrodinarily Cheap and/or Free

b) Money was a TON easier to gain… ‘

c) all of the above


  • 6,273 Penguins!
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Mimo777 & Club Penguin Gang!
Saraapril in Club Penguin