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I’m done.

Alright, so you all know that when I was postin’ like crazy, the ONE thing I wanted the most was the return of old plays. We got like, Ruby and the Ruby, Shadowguy, Bamboo Forest, all these lame overused ones, and like a WEEK after my membership expires, Planet Y or whatever comes out. Unless by some miracle (Or generator) I get a membership, I WILL get back into it, but now I can officially say that Club Penguin is pretty much the game that is most unfair to its non members. Sorry Disney, but with Club Penguin, you became too obsessed with money. You let millions down.

Im out until I get my own laptop. Then I MIGHT download a couple of generators… Maybe… If I feel dishonest… But those are better than using PrizeRebel…as long as there Virus Checked and have good reviews.

Life would be so much better if everything was either

a)Extrodinarily Cheap and/or Free

b) Money was a TON easier to gain… ‘

c) all of the above


Huh…. I posted again!

I just needed to tell you guys this.

I haven’t given up CP, just blogging. So I DID check out my FAVORITE party of the year, the Halloween party! i was checking out the Dark Chamber and Monster room when I clicked on the catalog… but I also clicked on the entrance to the Haunted House, which I didn’t want to do. As soon as I enter, I see the “Gary” stamp was awarded to me. Sure enough, Gary was ON OUTBACK with only a few other people and he had a new Background. Luuuuuck!

Mah membership expires in 2 weeks… Hopefully CJW or CJS will be here in time for me to beat it… I MIGHT renew my membership, but I don’t play too much. Seriously, it IS becoming unfair for nons, and they’re losing people by the millions. Soon enough they’re gonna have to make the entire game free for all!


I promised I’d still post here and there!

Hey everyone! While I still do not want to blog anymore, I am still gonna well… blog! But not very much at all. And 9.771738567q/10 times it’s gonna be UNRELATED to Club Penguin. Hehehe…

So I have a week off of school, and I think I’ll kinda tell you some stuff. about MOI!

I will have a Youtube Channel up

I still play Club Penguin, but mostly only to explore parties and get clothes and stuff…

My favorite Video Games as of RIGHT NOW are:

LittleBigPlanet (2, soon enough)

ModNation Racers

Uncharted 2

Halo Reach


WarioWare: DIY

And I like a lot more, just if I was stuck with only these video games my entire life, I’d be ok with that.

I WILL be exploring the Halloween party coming up soon (And the Anniversary party, right?) on server Outback.

Errr… That’s all! See you in a few months or more!

MOST EPIC SIGN OUT EVER! Always keeps the fans comin.

Lol a few months or more


Right Now, by Van Halen. Mah favorite band.

I’m gettin in the shower now.

OH and my favorite Youtubers are:






Go check em out! Except they might not be suitable for younger childeren. Specially Smosh, RWJ, jacksfilms…


I’m sorry, guys!

I think I’m done. Blogging is sucking the fun out of my time on CP, and now I’m in the 8th grade with buttloads of homework, and I can’t find time to blog. I’ll keep the blog up, cause I might post here and there, and I still would like to talk to Rofegme and Chirpychirpy (Not at school) but I just can’t keep up.



New Club Penguin Catalog cheats!

I’m getting back to posting on time! Woo! But a new catalog is here!

First of all, in the Custom t-Shirt Page we has 2 new Patterns, and a new color! ORANGE!

On the pages after that, click on the snow on top of the mountain on the left! You gets Green Hiking Boots!

On the same page, click on the penguin carrying the Supply Pack’s foot (flipper) for a lasso!

On the pages after that, click on the tree top on the page on the right for a Blue Duck!

So now people like moi who missed the Water Party can get the Gone Swimming stamp!

ALSO! Check out the Ski Village! Construction for the Mountain Expedition (Coming August 13 (AKA August 12, the day I go back to school!)) is happening!

So I’m posting on time! Next up is adding pictures and starting up some of my older pages again!


Live Video Chat with Celebrities? Cool, but, what?

Ok guys! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted, and I really don’t seem to post about CP much anymore. I know I said I’d try, but I’m thinking about quitting. If no one tells me not to, then I will. If even only  ONE person tells me to stay, I’ll stay. Considering the only two people who read my blog somewhat frequently are Rofegme and Chirpychirpy. But unrelated to CP I was doing random internet searching (CLEAN internet searching, of course) And I found out that a pretty big celebrity has a video chat with fans, and she goes on pretty frequently. You have to guess who she is. I’ll give you hints.

Erm… Has a Youtube Channel

Disney Channel Star

Uhhhh…. Sings?

Ok, ya broke me down.

NOW I know what you’re all thinking. “A live video chat with Mr. T????? COOL!!!” Well no. And it isn’t Chuck Norris, or even Mr. T. Or Eddie Van halen. God I’ve gotta stop. If I keep telling myself that it isn’t one of my idols I’m gonna cry.


It’s the one! The only (Probably)

SELENA GOMEZ!!! Wooooo….

I stick a radio down my pants and play her music very frequently.

So whaddaya think? Should more celebs chat with fans? I think it’s pretty cool. Man I’d spend hours talking to Mr. T about garden ornaments.

OH ME OH MY! Another star did something similar! A couple of weeks ago, Ozzy Osbourne and his son talked to fans over X Box live while p’wning noobz on Call of Duty: modern Warfare 2! NOOOOBZZZ!! (I developed an inner nerd while Kooler54 was here since last Wednesday) So yeah! I’m gonna go talk to Selena Gomez about types of cheeses. Betcha she hasn’t heard of Cornish Yarg cheese! Or Scottish Cheese! Or Guda Cheese! Or Leerdammer! Or Swiss Cheese! Or Grilled Cheese! Or This cheese:

See full size image

(lol kinda a Smoshy moment there, ending in something completely random)


Kinda missed my window of opportunity for cheats… but..

I can still do that promised FusionFall review!

So, basically youre a kid who is sent into the Future to stop an evil guy named Fuse from destroying the planet. At the beginning youre stuck too far into the future and need to build a time machine to get out. There are references from many Cartoon Network shows like:

Dexters Laboratory

Kids Next Door

Ben 10: Alien Force

Power Puff Girls

Adventure Time

The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack


Geberator Rex

Courage the Cowardly Dog

Megas XLR


Camp Lazlo

and a lot more. Im pretty sure the 3 main characters are supposed to be Dexter, Ben 10, and Numbuh 2 (Haha! Like poop! ohhhh) And blah blah blah. Really cool customization aspects, 3rd person shooter, and really fun. PLUS every week theyre giving out a new free item. I love this game so much that maybe I’ll have to make a blog for IT, too!

But comment if you like it, and I’ll meet you on it!\

So I’m visiting Florida tomorrow!

And my dad got an iPad from work! Woot!


I need YOUR opinion!

Did I spell Oppinnionon Right? It’sa hard word! but yeah…. SHOULD I GET Club Penguin: Herbert’s Revenge? I know that it tells me more about The story of Veggie Villain (+) I can transfre coins (and clothes?) To my online account (+) I get a code to unlock some EPF gear that’s probably coming out soon (eh?) AND I can use Flare (+) BUT most of the missions are old! (——–) That’s NOT GOOD! My dad might be able to get someone to give him a copy for free (My dad works for Disney Interactive Studios, if you didn’t know. He’s not like… a con artist.) But if not, I’ll have to buy it, and I want to know if it’s worth it. BY THE WAY I got the NEW Toy Story 3 VIDEO GAME the other day. SO NEW, THAT IT HASN’T COME OUT YET! (And It IS the final copy, so it works on my regular X-Box, not the tester one. And yes, I do have 2 X-Box 360s. 1 regular, and 1 for testing games that aren’t ready.) It ROCKS! It keeps going and going, even AFTER the story mode! AND My dad gave me that Lotso plushie that I wanted! w00t!


Club Penguin GAME DAY!

So, Back in summer ’09 I tested a lot of games. One of which was “Club Penguin Game Day!” for the Nintendo Wii.  So by reading this, you get picture (I got from Gamespot)(Thanks) AND some EXCLUSIVE INFO!! W00!

So let’s get STARTED!

Alright! Unfortunately, I was unable to test the Single Player adventure mode, But ENJOY these pictures!

Image 1
Image 9
Also it looks like there was a mimi game that wasn’t ready… So I don’t know about it…
Image 2
Dancing? I dunno. Next Game:
Image 3
ALRIGHTY! This game was called “Stop Stop Go”. Basically Red Light Green Light. But with ice. You shake the Wii Remote (If I remember correctly) but when the one penguin makes a face, stop and press a button (again, this was a year ago) If you shake to fast, you slip and it slows you down. They updated it to have the Everyday Phoning Facility in the background! Used to be the Sports Shop! Cool insidse, huh? Next Game:
Image 7
Image 8
I forget the name… Sumo something. ACTUALLY there was an update. Or two. One I knew about, and one I didn’t.
1. They used to be in ACTUAL Sumo costumes (What? I didn’t know about this one)
2. When I played, the Iceberg was a gray circle. They told me that it was soon to be the Ice Berg, though.
So you’re on the slippery, tipping Iceberg with 3 opponents and you try and bump the others into the water. I LOVED this game, and it LOOKS LIKE THEY ADDED POWER  UPS! Woot! Not much else to tell you, though.
Aright, next game:
Image 4
Image 5
This game was like bobsledding. You were supposed to tilt the Wiimote in the way that it told you to. I played in 4-player mode, so you ALL had to coordinate it so you didn’t tip it. it was REALLY FUN, but SUPER HARD especially when you play with 4-6 year olds.

Image 6
Like the Sack Race game. TONS of obstacles, all that kinda stuff. SUPER FUN!
Now wait! There’s a feature I DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT!
Image 10
A CATALOG! You buy stuff from the Blue, Red, Green, and Yellow (Wait? YELLOW?) Yup! New team prob coming soon! AND Apparently you can transfer all your coins and clothing items to your online account!
Puffle Paddle and Feed-a Puffle were in this game. COOL!
SO Hopefully this regains the trust of all the lost penguins!

New Room… and stuff….

SO a new room was here to day! VR ROOM! Like,” VROOOOM” The sound a car makes? No, you siwy! I mean VIRTUAL REALITY! Oooooh! Ahhhhhh! So you can go back to PSA HQ 2005 (Some dinky little building with nothing much inside) PSA HQ 2007 (PLEAZE tell me you didn’t forGET that one!) and PSA HQ 2010 (POPCORN FOR EVERYONE! Or… VIRTUAL POPCORN FOR EVERYONE! WAIT! It’s virtual… on the computer! VIRTUAL VIRTUAL POPCORN FOR EVERYONE! SO. Also, the island is in construction for the adventure party. “But Chunky! How do you build a PLANT?” Good questio, my child. I have NO idea. Ask Mr. T. He knows all. And more. Also, Rockhopper is coming, and Ruby and the Ruby (My LEAST favorite play!) is back! yay. So you may have noticed that I have not posted nearly as much. Well, I’m not sure why. I’ll try and fix that, but blogging can get BORING, especially when no one reads your blog. So I decided to post this mostly because all the stuff… But it turns out a neighbor of mine (Not gonna say his name) is a pretty big Chunkyman1 fan (At least that’s what he and my brother told me) and he didn’t know that I wasChunkyman1! (I being his neighbor, and once again, my bro told me that he didn’t know)  





  • 6,273 Penguins!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
The Latest Club Penguin Cheats
Mimo777 & Club Penguin Gang!
Saraapril in Club Penguin